Account Director
It was 20 years ago, when my degree in Political Science and International Studies, instead of leading me to a Public Organization, led me to advertising, and specifically to Client Service. MY aim was to contribute to the development of the communication tree, so that a brand has the strength to reach its target group and the power to convinces it of its values. Those of us who work in Advertising do not stop learning, reading, listening to music, watching movies. All these aspects of everyday life give us inspiration for our work. I listen to music from my collection of 33 & 45 rpm vinyls, I play Subbuteo with my son and I go to the movies with my daughter. Advertising has a lot of difficulties and anxieties. However, the satisfaction you enjoy when a project is completed is so great that it gives you the strength to continue to the next project, along with your colleagues, partners and customers. Exactly as a team.